Handmade Papers : Touching New Horizons
Handmade Paper might have sounded very antediluvian, but it certainly has transformed into a fashionable and eco friendly statement these days. With more and more people becoming cognizant about the environment and the hazardous impact deforestation can cause, it becomes imperative for the manufacturers and suppliers to look for alternatives. This realization has also encouraged people to take up the job of making handmade papers, a distinguished art and hobby. Let us have a brief detail of the most popular varieties of handmade paper available today -
Embroidered Paper – Remember the time when your grandmother's hands used to be busy with needle and thread making marvels on cloth! Well it is possible to recreate that magic on the paper, but of course you do not need needle and thread for that. Today, a variety of creative options are available and more than that you can order your own design, need be the case. They are best for making Photo Frames, Diary Covers and Invitation Cards etc.
Tie and Dye Paper – All those who thought that this art was confined only to the clothes in the by lanes of Rajasthan, please read through. Made with natural colors, these are also known as Batik papers. Explicit colors are used by the hand to create these assortments of colors and design that when displayed in the canvas, brings to life the characters. They are available in a variety of color combination and are best for cards and wall hangings.
Embossed Paper – This is perhaps the most attractive of all the techniques and art in the handmade paper segment. This pattern renders the paper with a variety of textures and finish, thus making it look ethereal.Mortelled Paper – These are the most recent in the handmade paper segment, wherein other materials besides the conventional paper is used in its making. The can includes, jute, grass, tea leaves, silk threads, shining particles, gold or silver flakes, yarn, wool and many such materials. They are the best option for making Papers, Gift bags, Boxes and Diaries etc.
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