DIY: Remove Stains from Wood Furniture

Tips for Removing Common Stains
Before applying the following remedies on larger areas of any furniture, remember to test it on a small area to see whether it damages the finish or not?
Water Stains: If you see any water marks in the form of rings on your wooden dining table, cover it with a clean, thick blotter and press down with a warm iron. Repeat the process for some time. You can also apply some salad oil, mayonnaise or white toothpaste on the stain and then wipe it dry. Now you can wax and polish the table.
Alcohol/ Milk Stains: Take some liquid or paste wax and rub it on the stain with fingers. You can also use a paste of boiled linseed oil and rotten stone. Another trick is to rub with a dampened cloth having ammonia on it. Then wipe it dry and wax or polish.
Nail Polish Stains: If nail polish spills on your hardwood furniture then treat it as soon as it occurs. Blot it immediately and then rub it with fine steel wool dipped in wax. Steel wool is a bundle of strands of very fine soft steel filaments, used in finishing and repairing work to polish wood or metal objects. Afterwards, wipe it dry and wax or polish.
Paint Marks: Fresh latex paint on hardwood furniture can be removed with the help of water and oil-based paint with mineral spirits. If the stain has dried, soak the stained spot in boiled linseed oil. When the paint gets softened after a while, lift it carefully with a putty knife or wipe with cloth after dampening it with boiled linseed oil. If some paint is still left, remove it by rubbing along the grain with a paste of boiled linseed oil and rotten stone. Wipe it dry and wax or polish.
Wax Marks: Hold an ice cube wrapped in cloth against the wax so that it gets hardened. Then remove it with fingernail or some other stiff object such as a blunt knife or a plastic card. Now rub with extra-fine steel wool dipped in mineral spirits. Then wipe it dry and wax or polish.
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